Saturday, June 16, 2012

Family/ Couple Session!! With Nikki and family!

This was a fun session! 3 children ages 3,3, and 4. They weren't too fond of the camera but I was able to get a few good pictures of them during my mini session with them on Thursday. Without further ado here is a sneak peak of the session!

Sexy Over 30 Photo Session with Tammy

Mrs. Tammy wanted to have a session because she wants to enter in the Sexy Over 30 Contest!!! Well here are her photos from the session. The weather did not want to cooperate with us, it was windy and it started to get cloudy out. Errr and then all of a sudden it got super sunny and windy lol. Well here are a few pictures from her session with me! Enjoy!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Meet Vanessa!!!

Vanessa was a fun little spirit! She is 2 years old and was a joy to photograph!!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Family Trip to Ocqueoc Falls

I was messing around with some different collage templates I found and decided to place some of the photos from our family trip to Ocqueoc Falls in the collages. I just loved this place! My children were in heaven with all of the rocks and trails to play on.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Meet Ray and Devon!!!
Showing us a little brotherly love! These boys were awesome and posed for me with so much ease! They were a natural at it! You can see how much these boys love each other!!!

Let's Meet Bacon!!!
I loved doing this session! Bacon was amazing and loves her potato salad!!!

I have entered in to the Blogger Universe!!!

Yeah!!! I have finally started a blog for my photography! I am so excited! In the next few days I am sure you will be seeing some changes as I figure out how to customize and make it match my personality.